Monday marks the day we honor our fallen soldiers and countrymen who gave their lives so that we enjoy the freedoms and liberties we have today. Graves throughout the country today will be honored with an American flag honoring those men and women who gave so much for us. Parts of the country host parades honoring our fallen....
I have served in the Army during the Persian Gulf Crisis. Thrusted into action and unsure of what the future held. Yet I would not have traded places. As so many people who served our country before and the many more that will serve our country in the future; we do it for a purpose....To protect our country and what we stand for.
This past week I had the honor of flying on a plane and being seated next to a USMC Sergeant on his way home to visit family. He was in full dress uniform. When he came and sat down we began a conversation about the military and life in it. Then an older gentleman came and joined us in the row. As we politely acknowledged him and let him be seated we continued our conversation. The other gentleman then said i am a Vietnam veteran. I served four tours over there voluntarily. So now we all began swapping war stories and having a good laugh and time.
Suddenly the stewardess came up to our row and asked the USMC sergeant to move to first class in honor of what he does for our country (apparently there was an open seat there) . The USMC sergeant without blinking an eye or any hesitation said thank you to the lady and said he rather give the seat to the older gentleman since he served four tours in Vietnam and is more deserving of the first class than I am.
In the same breath the Vietnam veteran said to the stewardess thank you I am honored but please give the seat to the young lady over there with her child( we figure less than a year since they were sharing a seat). The stewardess did as he requested. The lady and her child came over and thanked us as they moved to first class.
After they got situated the Vietnam veteran looked at both of us and said: "is that (pointing to the lady and her baby) not the reason we serve and are willing to give our lives up for our country?" We both acknowledged....
The people around us heard the stewardess ask the question and the responses given and one of them got up and started clapping; saying thank you for what you do. it turned into the whole plane thanking us and then singing god bless America. When we landed; the stewardess informed us that the rest of the plane will remain seated as we depart. It started out as one person requesting it and the rest of the plane agreed. so we departed the plane first and to a loud cheer and clapping from passengers we did not know...and a lot of thank you's.....
To me that is what memorial day is about. It is the reason we serve and why so many people are willing to give up their lives for our country....
So, I salute each and everyone of you that has served or is serving our country and I personally want to say "THANK YOU" .
Dave diCecco
Coldwell Banker United
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