Wednesday, August 7, 2013
How To Check Schools When Searching For A Charlotte, NC. Area Home
In the Charlotte, NC. housing market there are a lot of home buyers that are relocating to the area or looking to buy a home because of a family. One of the most important things I hear from everyone is "How good are the schools in that neighborhood in Charlotte, NC?" or "How Do I find out about the schools in the Charlotte area?" Both questions are valid and when I made the move here eight years ago with my wife and four children that was probably number one on my list when I went looking for a place to live in Charlotte, NC.
As a Realtor we are bound by certain ethical issues which preclude us form giving advice one way or the other in regards to the quality of schools or a specific school. What one person may view as a good school another person may not see it that way. In fact I have read over the past few months various reports from reputable news magazines ranking the schools in Charlotte, NC. To prove the point ALL of the different media sources ranging from US news and world report to the wall street journal rated the top five schools differently. In fact all of the top five schools were not even on everyone’s list in a different order. So, as parents looking to move to Charlotte, NC how are you to make an educated decision as to what are is a good school and not a good one?
I personally like to look at the facts and numbers and make a decision based on those numbers and let myself construe the numbers as I see fit. In order to do that though I needed to find a way to get the information on how the school performs academically and give me the demographics of the school. I found one website that (in my humble opinion) offers the necessary information you need to make a decision if the school meets your criteria.
Visit This site will give you information on how the school is performing, class sizes, student enrollment, teacher certification and child safety, for me as a parent these were important factors that I looked into when I was moving to Charlotte, NC. This will help keep your Realtor out of real estate jail and allow you to make an educated decision as to whether the schools are a good fit for you and your family...
Dave diCecco
Coldwell Banker United
Cell: 704-519-7895
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Great advice! I always have clients that are searching for the best schools, but haven't been able to find a consistent source for researching schools...